You Can Be Romantic Everyday

Since it is a new year, we are starting off fresh, so its important to review what we have already talked about regularly at and to find ways to be romantic everyday. Being consistent is key to keeping ROMANCE alive!
I came up with a list of ways to consistently be romantic and you can do them everyday:
1. Consider your special someone in everything you do. When you wake up in the morning, go to bed, when you are on your way from work and stop for a bite to eat, when you are making major decisions, planning a vacation, etc. Think about the special someone in your life and include them in all aspects of your life. This should be a given if you are married, but it needs to be said because someone people are selfish in their marriages and do not consider their spouse in their everyday thinking. If you are not a the point where you feel comfortable including the person you are dating, then try to discuss your day with the person you are dating so they feel included in your life even if they are not committed to you.
2. Say I love you. When you care about someone you say it, so if you love your mate, then try to say it at least once a day or more. I don't think you can ever get tired of hearing someone say I love you (unless its not genuine or recriprocated). If you haven't quite reached the "I love you" phase yet then telling the person you care about regularly what they mean to you and how you feel regularly is equally important.
3. Let your special someone know you are thinking about them. It only takes 5 seconds to say "I am thinking about you." With busy lives and home life, sometimes we forget to breathe and share a moment with our special someone, so whenever you get a breather, take the time to let your special someone know you are thinking about them. Side note: When you take a break from work or on vacation or even in traffic and let someone know that you are thinking about them, it means even more that you took the time out of your hechtic life or your down time to think about someone and tell them. That shows appreciation and commitment on your end and also that they are special enough to interrupt your thoughts, even if for a moment.
4. I mentioned it earlier in #1, but I will stress this again: Talk about each others day. Life can be stressful and sometimes we just need someone to vent to. We should be able to do this with our special someone or our marriage mate. Talk about your day, whether good or bad and be a listening ear to each other.

5. Always plan your next time together. If you live together, then make sure you plan a date night ( to spend quality time together away from the kids and your normal routine. If you do not live together, always have a next time in planning for when you are going to see each other again.
6. Say good morning and good night to each other. I know when I wake up and see a good morning text or get a good morning call from the person I am dating, it makes me smile if not blush and starts my day off in a ROMANTIC mood. Saying goodnight is even better, because that is the last person I talk to before I fall in sleep and it leads for a great dream and restful sleep to hear his voice before I go to bed.

These are just some ways for you to keep ROMANCE alive all year. I hope that you try some of my suggestions and create new ways of your OWN to keep the ROMANCE alive in your relationship and life all year. Please share how you keep the ROMANCE alive in your relationship and enjoy!


  1. This blog is great! In my relationship, I often unconsciously forget that I can be romantic too. I should't always expect it from him. And even the little things do matter. I love these ideas and can't wait to put them into action!

  2. We read this blog together last night while waiting out the Blizzard. And we decided to put into play some of your ideas. It was a great night. We are always so consumed with out own lives that we don't romance each other as we did in the beginning of our relationship. We talked, laughed, even played some couples games. It was the most enjoyable evening we have had in a long time!


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