Your Words Can be Poetry to the Heart

I published my 1st book Reality Check on June 25th. Reality Check is a story of survival but also of love.  Sometimes after trauma and tragedy, we have to find ourselves again. We have to find love and ROMANCE again.  That can be hard if you are not willing to recover and forgive. 
What is so beautiful about forgiveness and accepting your self and knowing your boundaries, is being able to create your own future and your own experiences.  We can do that in so many ways. Part of my journey as a writer has been in writing poetry.  My husband encouraged me to publish my poems and so periodically I will be sharing some poems with you that I have written. 
There are so many amazing ways to express your love and appreciation for someone and poetry can do that in ways that will leave a lasting impression.  Their are so many famous poets but you can be your spouses favorite poet. A poem doesn't always have to rhyme, it just has to flow. Put your thoughts on paper and give them to your love. Many times I've written poetry or a letter to express myself because the words wouldn't come out right from my lips.  If you are struggling with expressing yourself, pick up a pen and put it on paper. I am hoping that when I publish my poems people will feel the love, ROMANCE and hope in my words.  I encourage you to put your words on paper to inspire your loves heart and mind.


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