Welcome to my Blog- Romance Queen

I created this blog because for a while I thought romance was dead. I'm single and the last guy I dated that I could truly say was ROMANTIC was almost two years ago. He came to my door on the first date with flowers. He opened my door for me everywhere, held my hand, rubbed my feet, checked on me with sweet texts throughout the day and was a true gentleman at all times. He was ten years older than me and maybe that was the reason why he understood how important romance was. I have found that since I was in college I always liked older men at least ten years my senior and for the most part, they too, were romantic. However, at my age now I am tending to date my age or younger and the men are not as romantic.

I've also talked to my girlfriends, single and in committed relationships and they also complain about the lack of romance in their relationships or that a romantic partner (some date women) is hard to find. They wish their lover/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse did more romantic things to show they cared, appreciated, desired and loved them. For those that are single and dating, they wished that their were more romantic people in the dating scene that did more than just take them on a "date." They would like to see a little more effort and time put into actually dating. In these discussions, with my girlfriends and in discussions with other women, we all agreed that romance is not about how much money you spend, its about the little things. Those "things" that say I'm Thinking About You, I Want You, I Care, You're Beautiful, You're Desirable, You Deserve a Break from the Kids, and simply put I Love You. Is that too much to ask?

Now, I have also talked to men. The replies from men were divided. Their were the men that said they "could be romantic" but couldn't tell me the last time they did something romantic for the woman in their lives. Then there was the ones that stopped doing it because "women don't appreciate it." Boo to those women! Then there are the ones who we love and bring tears to our eyes who say I am romantic every chance I get "because she deserves it." Awww... We love you guys!

So, ROMANCE is NOT dead. But, romance is not exactly Alive either! Too many women are complaining they need it and miss it and too many men are not being romantic. Now I failed to mention earlier the remaining men I spoke to who admitted "I don't know how" to be romantic and are Romantically Clueless! Some men just don't know how to begin being romantic, haven't tried but know they should, or just have no idea what romance is at all. Yes these same Romantically Clueless men sincerely are interested in being romantic to please their current woman, attract their future good woman, or just improve his bachelor stats with the women.

My hope as the Romance Queen is to help men (and women) learn what romance is, become romantic, remain romantic even on a budget, and keep ROMANCE alive! I am 37 years old and my friends are always coming to me about their relationships and in my reply to them I always (or at least try to depending on the circumstance) talk about being romantic and showing their loved ones the importance of having more ROMANCE in their relationship and I've even coached a couple guy friends, including my father, on how to be romantic. I am NOT a relationship expert at all. However, I am passionate about romance and being ROMANTIC. I think its one of the biggest components of a relationship and something, if done often, can keep a relationship going strong. Note I did not say if done right... I hope you agree and will continue to read.

Please feel free to email me at romance101queen@gmail.com if you have questions you want me to address, topics to discuss or you would like some romantic advice!


  1. Romance is still around...somewhere...I think.

  2. I am a person who loves to be Romantic. The problem I find is finding someone that will appreciate it and reciprocate it. I hope that your blog inspires all to keep the romance in the relationships.

  3. Great post. Thanks for making us rethink romance.

  4. Romance isn't dead, It's hibernating somewhere and needs to be awakened. I for one love flowers, and "Just because" gifts, a quiet dinner for two. romantic picnics, I would also love to take a carriage ride around the city, I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.

  5. I feel like romance is dead but in a way I blame ourselves. As women we are not giving the men something to work hard for. We give so much of ourselves up so easily. Our sex, commitment and loyalty. We devoted ourselves because in most cases that what believe we supposed to do. Maybe if we go back to "playing hard to get" men will feel like they have something to work for. The only problem with that is there so many women waiting in line to replace you.....they giving it up just as fast

  6. Romance & Passion got to be required of your mate the same as you require faithfulness, honesty & respect. A mate is only going to treat you how you allow them to. I think romance is still alive but both mates got to be on the same level mentally and they desire for each other has to be the same as it was from day one before the sex & I love youz

  7. Good blog. ...a lot of people need to read this. . Time to get back to romance and falling inlove again.

  8. Romance is for those that seek it. Woman are naturally romantics by genes, those that are not, probably have been scorn and saw everything but. Romance is no longer a trend in today's literature, movies, and family settings. We are so disconnected as technology progresses. Social interaction is based on social media dating. Not too many men or woman do the "Just Because" gifts. And you are right, it is the little things that count, but advertisement, music and TV projects what love and romance is through material things and sex. Case in point, you would put all your money emphasis and attention to Valentines Day. Every day before and after the 14th, is just another day. I am poet. This delegation has allowed me to be connected to my heart, emotions and the needs of woman. This does not make me less than a man, but a man of many qualities. A man can be a man, and still love and provide romance. If role models factor it in their entertainment and livelihood maybe young people would follow. You can give a person romance if they see romance from a abusive or negative point of view. If they are use to mistreatment, they may see that as love. Won't be able to handle what they long for from someone is willing to give them proper treatment. Who is teaching and showing kids romance in their walks of life, if there are so many single parents, invisible guardians, and no love shown in front of the kids and family. A thug and Ghetto princess can not be changed, their destiny is set and so are their views on love. We choose the covers over the books themselves. Love has to meet you half way and be with you all the way or you are setting yourself up for an appointment to be disappointed.



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