New Beginnings

This past year has been one of utter chaos, rollercoaster rides, and near disaster but I am here. We are here still standing.  I still believe in romance. Hell, I still believe in love. I believe in all the things I did a year ago when I stopped blogging but even stronger.  When you love someone intensely, its hard to just throw that away.  You've sacrificed, made a committment, forgiven multiple times and still you get sick to your stomach, butterflies are no longer fluttering, and you still care...  That's when you know you are not done. You are still willing. You want to forgive.  You want to feel something, anything and so you fight. You try to figure it out. You scream, yell, spat, mutter, cry, shake and you fight. You start getting to know each other again, texting, dating and flirting again. You spend the time you need to renew what you thought was escaping your grasp and you take it one day at a time while you try to fall in love again.
You find ROMANCE.  You find out what it is about each other that attracted you to one another. You seek to find the essence of your attraction to each other not so long ago and when you do find the attaction and the essence you water it, mold it and seed it with nurturing care, one fiber at a time. You become irresistable to each other and invest in whatever there is in each other that is still there drawing you and wanting you. ROMANCE.
Feed that longing to not let your ROMANCE die.

That's my journey to healing and loving past the pain...

Keeping ROMANCE alive.


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