My Favorite Holiday is Coming!

Yes I am a hopeless romantic! When it comes to Love I am all for it. That has been my motivation for this blog and keeping ROMANCE alive! One of the best days to show off your love for someone is Valentine's Day. Even though this is not the only day for you to show your love for your special someone or to bring some ROMANCE in your relationship, it is the most popular day for lovers and couples outside of your wedding and anniversary day!

Valentine's is not just for couples though and I said so to a friend the other day when they sadly said they always spend it alone. I know how that feels to not have a romantic partner on the biggest couple day of the year. However, I am a mother! In my blog last year I spoke about Valentine's being for kids too. You can check out that article here.  If you are a parent and you have the kids for Valentine's then why not plan something special and fun for you and the kids to do together. Its never too young to teach your son how to be a gentleman to a young lady or to teach your little princess how a true gentleman should treat her. Take your kids on a "date" and show them how its done! I've been teaching my twins romantic date tips since they could walk. 

I also suggested to my dear friend, that they take their mother out for Valentine's. Our parents gave us life and loved and raised us, so if both of your parents or available or just one, take advantage of Valentine's Day to do something extra special for them to let them know you appreciate them raising you and that you love them.  I like to take opportunities to do something for my mom since my dad is no longer with us. This is a good time to do something meaningful with your parent who has lost their loved one on this day. Take mom to the spa or dad to his favorite fishing hole. You can't go wrong doing something they love!

If you are single during Valentine's, most likely you have another single friend(s). Plan to do something together and enjoy Girls Night Out, a Singles mixer or a Bro night to the Gentleman's club. This year my fiance and I are going on our Valentine's Day date with the Drunk in Love Bar Crawl. Its not only for couples; its for singles too! You wear a red shirt if you are in love and a green shirt if you're single. It s a great way to meet other couples and singles right here in the Charlotte area. You should check it out here. If you're single, do not sit in the house getting high on ice cream and wine. Get your other single friends out and go have a blast. You never know. You might meet your forever Valentine while you're out (or in each other)!

Lastly, if you're single don't miss out on the opportunity to volunteer your time at your local shelter or family organization. Their are many families and single people living in shelters or getting assistance for various reasons who would love to see a fresh new friendly face bearing cake, candy and other little treats! My fiance regularly gets a group together to go to a nearby senior center for bingo and karaoke. He loves it and the seniors love him (especially the ladies). Spend your time meeting new people who would love a visit from you to brighten up their day even if just for a few moments!


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