Yes! Women Can Propose- I Did!

My last blog post listed reasons why people felt that women should NOT propose and I gave my reasons to why I think its absolutely ludicrous! As a woman who has been ready to settle down for several years, I do not feel that its wrong for a woman to propose. Some do and that's their right. However, me being me- all about women's equality, rights and taking my life into my own hands I feel that it is quite okay if I want to propose to the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. 

The decision to propose (male or female) is not about anyone else but YOU and YOUR mate. You have to know what type of partner you have and whether your relationship will suffer (mainly his ego crushed) if you, ladies, proposed to him. We don't ever want to do anything to offend, hurt, or emasculate the man we want to spend our lives with, so if you have a man that you know 1000% would be completely offended by your proposal you probably should wait for him to propose to you OR propose to him that he proposes to you like this bride did here: (I highly suggest you start at 12;21 minutes...)

I searched the web for true life stories about women proposing to their man and I found a pretty awesome article here:

Eight Women Who Decided to Propose

So guess what?! I did it! 

Stay tuned to read how it went down on my next blog!


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