Keys to Romance- Getting to Know Your Special Someone

Over the weekend, I asked that those reading think of someone special in your life that deserves a little ROMANCE. I hope that you were able to choose in your heart (and mind) who that special someone is in your life. There are a few keys to being romantic that we need to consider before we can start being romantic with someone specifically. This discussion is also the beginning of our 101 Ways to be Romantic ideas by me! 

In order to unlock romance, I want you to always consider the following five questions:
  1. Who do you want to be romantic with and how well do you know this special someone?
  2. What is your romantic budget?
  3. What is the motivation behind why why you want to be romantic?
  4. When is the right time to be romantic and do you take advantage of the opportunity to do so?
  5. How much do you care about the person you want to be romantic with?
These questions do not have to be answered in any specific order, but if you can answer each one whole-heartedly and with passion, devotion, and excitement (well maybe not elated but at least with a lot of interest) then you are on your way to creating a romantic relationship with your special someone!

So lets begin discussing our Keys to Romance: with:
Key #1- Your Special Someone
Who is your special someone? How long have you known this person?When is their birthday? What are some special dates to them (anniversary, your first date, first time you kissed, etc)? What do they like and dislike? What turns them on? What makes them smile? What is their favorite color? What are their hobbies? What are some of their favorite places? Are they open to new things? What is something they have said they want or want to do that they haven't yet? What is something you like to do or want to share with them that you haven't yet? Are they allergic to anything? Okay, you get the point. 
Knowing your special someone and what may make them laugh, cry with joy, blush, arouse them or just make their day is what you need to know in order to create ways to be romantic for and with them. You also want to know what might make them mad, turn them, cry in a really depressing way, make them break out in hives or want to scream at the top of their lungs. Knowing what sets them off in a bad way is also something you need to know so that while you are being romantic you don't have a moment that ruins the whole mood or motivation for why you are being romantic in the first place (outside of Love of course). 

The point to this Key is that you KNOW the person (enough)to be romantic for and with and you have something to start your How To be Romantic juices flowing, literally. 

I'll share a romantic moment I don't think I will ever forget. I was dating a guy named Andre and I used to come home from work tired from being on my feet all day. I also was pretty darn hungry when I got home too because sometimes I was so busy at work I didn't have time to eat much of anything for lunch, so knowing this about my day, one day I came home from work and he had cooked a meal for the two of us which was hot and ready on the stove and he had a nice soothing bubble bath ready for me as I was walking in the door. This was something he did on a regular for me that took the stress of my day away immediately and helped me relax and enjoy his company blushing the whole time. But one particular evening, I came home and he mixed it up, I came home and on the floor was rose petals and those rose petals were leading to a bed full of roses shaped into a heart with the ruby words I Love You. His motivation throughout our relationship was relaxation, comfort, stress relief, lots of blushing, intimate rewards and of you know it- Love. 

I'll stop here for now so that you can answer the five questions above and if you know who your special someone is, I want you to further think about the things that make them smile! Until then, happy thoughts...


  1. I came to this blog mumbling with an attitude. I left feeling reflective and enlightened. Nice Tiffany. Keep writing


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