Keys to Romance continued- Your Motivation

One key part of ROMANCE is what motivates you to BE romantic. Google defines motivation as "the general desire or willingness of someone to do something." That being said, doing something for your special someone is not the only motivation to being romantic but the affection, admiration, love and desire to make them smile is what motivates you to WANT to do something romantic for your special someone. There are other reasons to that may motivate you to be romantic such as illness, burn out (your special someone is working too much), an argument or being in the dog house (as my father used to call it), simple interest in someone, and many more reasons. However, no matter what your MOTIVATION is, that motivation prompts you to do something for your special someone. Please note though that you do NOT want to only be romantic when your special someone is complaining that you aren't romantic or your special someone is mad at you or your special someone is about to boot y...