
Showing posts from December, 2016

Have a Romantic Christmas Countdown!

Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a great start to your Christmas holiday. Even though I am not a big holiday person, I do know that the holidays are a great opportunity to be extra romantic.  If you haven't already planned something romantic and sweet for your special someone, its not too late.  Christmas is a time for family, friends, giving, and love! You can't have a complete Christmas without sharing it with the person you profess your love to. If you can't spend the actual holiday together, at least plan SOMEthing that you two can enjoy together. Some suggestions: * Plan breakfast in bed the morning of or the morning before. * Exchange a small gift between the two of you in private. * Plan a romantic dinner for just the two of you the night before or the night after. * Go shopping with each other and make it a date while you're at it. * Send Christmas cards to each other in the mail! * Go for a drive to see the Christmas lights. * Watch old ...

Yes Women Can Propose- Finale!

So in my last blog I mentioned that I took the leap and I proposed to my man.  The day started off as a normal Saturday and him and the kids and I got up to go shopping. We spent a day shopping and having good quality family time. One of the last stores we went to was Helzberg Diamonds. I love jewelry so I went in there to look at their sales. I looked at quite a few rings and I noticed that he was watching. The one I fell in love was a white sapphire ring and it was gorgeous! I love colored stones but this ring was unique. My daughter wanted to go to Books-A-Million so I went over there with her but my man stayed behind. Before I left him there, and being the nosy woman I am, I noticed THE ring was gone from the case. He shooed me away and I went to the book store with my daughter. Now lets rewind... Him and I had a pretty emotional conversation about two weeks before and he admitted that there was a point that he wanted to ask me to marry him but that he was afraid (and for goo...

Single During the Holidays- What to Do!

Every one has had a holiday where they are single. I know I have plenty of times. So what do you do when you want to go to holiday parties, travel or do holiday activities and you are single? A friend of mine on my Facebook blog page was asking the same question. Some of the men on the thread suggested themselves for company. A few other women responded they were asking themselves the same thing. I suggested doing activities with your friend girls or your lover. So what is the answer to being single during the holidays? Here are some suggestions: * Do what YOU enjoy! If you have been wanting to go visit your friend in another state or see your cousin you haven't seen in awhile or want to catch the latest movies out in the theatre or go on a shopping spree and spend all the money on yourself. Do something that YOU enjoy doing. What better time to do then the holidays when you are off for a couple of days? * Do not be negative. Instead of thinking about the mate you don...

Yes! Women Can Propose- I Did!

My last blog post listed reasons why people felt that women should NOT propose and I gave my reasons to why I think its absolutely ludicrous! As a woman who has been ready to settle down for several years, I do not feel that its wrong for a woman to propose. Some do and that's their right. However, me being me- all about women's equality, rights and taking my life into my own hands I feel that it is quite okay if I want to propose to the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.  The decision to propose (male or female) is not about anyone else but YOU and YOUR mate. You have to know what type of partner you have and whether your relationship will suffer (mainly his ego crushed) if you, ladies, proposed to him. We don't ever want to do anything to offend, hurt, or emasculate the man we want to spend our lives with, so if you have a man that you know 1000% would be completely offended by your proposal you probably should wait for him to propose to you OR p...