
Showing posts from April, 2016

Tribute to Prince

It was shocking when I got a text from a friend girl of mine telling me that Prince had died. At first I was like is this another social media scheme but then this was Prince we were talking about. He wasn't an artist that did schemes and he was definitely not one that you heard negative media about so as I opened my Facebook and saw all the posts about Prince dying, I knew it was true. This was one of the post I shared on my page, . Prince was a very private man but one thing about Prince that I adored was that he was a very sensual, passionate, loved by many, had fans from all ages and cultures, believed in God and made music that everyone could identify with. He had a lot of great songs but he also made a lot of ROMANTIC/Love songs such as (in no particular order): 1. Adore 2. If I was Your Girlfriend- my all time favorite Prince song! 3. When 2 Are in Love 4. The Beautiful Ones 5. Purple Rain 6. When Do...

Let's Talk About Sex Finale

We are closing out our topic on S-E-X but of course this won't be the last time we talk about sex because intimacy and sex and romance go together like strawberries wine and massages. I asked a question before in my post on alternative sex about something I like personally and its time to let you know exactly what that is but before finishing out this topic, we MUST talk about SAFETY. When it comes to sex, we must always have a conversation about sex. According to as of 2014, twelve million people have been infected with the HIV virus and 1 in 8 people who have it are unaware that they have the virus. Among these numbers, Blacks are still the most affected race. However the most affected group is still men who sleep with men. For more statistics on HIV read . HIV/AIDS is not the only disease that we need to be careful of. Their are also STDs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV, herpes, trichomoniasis, and oth...

Congrats to Romance Queen Readers!

March and the 1st Couple of the Month due to our 2016 Couples Challenge started in January (more info here ) is Lakisha Hagler and Kaycee Steele of Charlotte, NC. Lakisha and Kevin have been together going on two years year and met online. I have known Kevin for over a year now and Lakisha for about nine months and ever since I have known them as a couple I have admired their open affection, love and respect for each other on their Facebook page. When it comes to social media, couples and men in particularly do not like to broadcast their relationships (for various reasons) but this couple has used Facebook to show how powerful their love is even when they had haters. Its hard not to vote for a couple who is constantly expressing their love for each other, posting pics of each other and complimenting each other. I have never seen them say one negative thing about each other online and that is the way it should be- ALWAYS. I definitely could learn from them. They have also been very ope...

Let's Talk About Sex- LGBT

In our last blog post on alternative lifestyles we talked about swingers, polyamory, and open relationships. We can not have this conversation about sex without talking about another alternative lifestyle that was mentioned in my poll- LGBT- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.   The LGBT community is growing and I am all about free love. I used to be an advocate in the LGBT community and though I won't say that is in the past, I am not as active in the community as I used to be. However, that does not mean that I am not supportive. With the passing of marriage laws in NC, DC, NY and other States and the newest laws that are trying to be passed regarding the use of public bathrooms for transgender individuals, the LGBT community is one that can not and will not go unnoticed.  Its something about being open to loving whomever you want that is sexy and ROMANTIC to me. I am not saying that being LGBT is right or wrong. This is not a debate of morals. This is a blog about ...

Let's Talk About Sex- Alternative Lifestyles

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