I created this blog because for a while I thought romance was dead. I'm single and the last guy I dated that I could truly say was ROMANTIC was almost two years ago. He came to my door on the first date with flowers. He opened my door for me everywhere, held my hand, rubbed my feet, checked on me with sweet texts throughout the day and was a true gentleman at all times. He was ten years older than me and maybe that was the reason why he understood how important romance was. I have found that since I was in college I always liked older men at least ten years my senior and for the most part, they too, were romantic. However, at my age now I am tending to date my age or younger and the men are not as romantic. I've also talked to my girlfriends, single and in committed relationships and they also complain about the lack of romance in their relationships or that a romantic partner (some date women) is hard to find. They wish their lover/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse did more romant...
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