More on Monogamy and Sex!

Its been a minute but finals gave me a headache and 20 pages and two tests I am back! I hope that you are enjoying the first day of Spring today. Its cold here in Charlotte, NC so it doesn't feel like Spring but I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are too. Our last blog we were continuing out subject Lets Talk About Sex and our topic was n Monogamy. To freshen up, you can view the last blog here . In a nut shell, we were discussing , marriage and committed relationships and how to communicate your needs before stepping outside of your relationship. The main points were: 1. If your relationship is getting stale, practice on working it better as often as you can and talk about. 2. Do not talk to someone else about your sex (relationship) problems before talking to your mate. 3. If you are not getting enough sex or the sex with your partner isn't good, talk about it with your partner and do things to enhance your relationship and sex life. 4. Be open and honest abo...