
Showing posts from March, 2016

More on Monogamy and Sex!

Its been a minute but finals gave me a headache and 20 pages and two tests I am back! I hope that you are enjoying the first day of Spring today. Its cold here in Charlotte, NC so it doesn't feel like Spring but I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are too. Our last blog we were continuing out subject Lets Talk About Sex and our topic was n Monogamy. To freshen up, you can view the last blog here .  In a nut shell, we  were discussing , marriage and committed relationships and how to communicate your needs before stepping outside of your relationship. The main points were: 1. If your relationship is getting stale, practice on working it better as often as you can and talk about. 2. Do not talk to someone else about your sex (relationship) problems before talking to your mate. 3. If you are not getting enough sex or the sex with your partner isn't good, talk about it with your partner and do things to enhance your relationship and sex life. 4. Be open and honest abo...

Happy St. Patricks Day!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day in your green. To learn about the history of St. Patricks Day visit . I finished my finals last night so I am looking forward to continuing our discussion "Let's Talk About Sex" as we talk more about monogamy! Stay tuned and go to my Facebook page to post your St. Patricks's pics!

Happy St Patricks Day parade

Yes I am a Wedding Officiant

I just updated my website with some important links. Check it out here

Let's Talk About Sex- Part 4- Monogamy

We've been talking about S-E-X the last couple of posts and this one is going to continue that conversation on a more serious note because we are talking about a word that seems to be more taboo that natural these days- MONOGAMY. When people get in a relationship, most expect that they are in a relationship with each other and that their will not be any outside influences. When people get married, they expect that their mate will be their only mate for a lifetime, right? Well yes but does that really happen? When I did a Google search for "Top reasons people get divorced," among the top reasons was what? Cheating! Ten years ago the answer was most likely financial reasons, now its "infidelity" or "cheating." Are you surprised? I'm not. People cheat and its more often than not. People do not have a common respect for each other to not be selfish and go seeking sex or partnership or companionship  or thrills besides with their partners. They ar...

Good Article on Having Consistent Sex with Your Partner

Ladies: watch the movie b language of desire too at the end of the article

Great Love and Romance Quotes

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Let's Talk About Sex- Part 3

I'm glad that you all are enjoying our discussion on S-E-X. This is one subject I knew would get attention and I was hesitant to talk about because I am a pretty open person when it comes to talking about sex and didn't want to go overboard but its been quite the contrary. People love my candidness and forthright discussion on the topic, so I wanted to talk about something that is fairly new to me (yea me...giggles*). In the last couple of years I have heard the term SAPIOSEXUAL quite a lot. When I heard it I thought it was another derogatory name for someone who was homosexual until someone told me what it was and a lightbulb went off in my mind and I've been a certified ROMANTIC Sapiosexual ever since! So what is it? With the degradation of relationships in our society, people are looking for more than a pretty face and someone that can knock their boots. They want someone who connects with them mentally, stimulates their mind, can carry an intelligent conversat...

Let's Talk About Sex- Part 2

Yesterday we talked about reasons to not have sex right away when you are dating someone. But what about those that are already married? We all agree, I believe, that sex is a big part of any relationship and even more to marriages. I am divorced so like always I don't say I am an expert at relationships, but I do know that when things were bad in my marriage, sex was almost non-existent. I also know that a healthy relationship, good or bad, does not stop your physical attraction to each other. Sometimes sex is the way you make up and forgive (along with talking the issue out). There is nothing wrong with makeup sex, but we don't want that to be the only time we have sex with our mate. Sex also should not only be used as a tool for what you want or as punishment. I know you have heard this saying before, "what you won't do someone else will," well we don't want to support cheating. However, we do not want your mate to feel neglected and unhappy where ...