
Showing posts from 2016

Have a Romantic Christmas Countdown!

Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a great start to your Christmas holiday. Even though I am not a big holiday person, I do know that the holidays are a great opportunity to be extra romantic.  If you haven't already planned something romantic and sweet for your special someone, its not too late.  Christmas is a time for family, friends, giving, and love! You can't have a complete Christmas without sharing it with the person you profess your love to. If you can't spend the actual holiday together, at least plan SOMEthing that you two can enjoy together. Some suggestions: * Plan breakfast in bed the morning of or the morning before. * Exchange a small gift between the two of you in private. * Plan a romantic dinner for just the two of you the night before or the night after. * Go shopping with each other and make it a date while you're at it. * Send Christmas cards to each other in the mail! * Go for a drive to see the Christmas lights. * Watch old ...

Yes Women Can Propose- Finale!

So in my last blog I mentioned that I took the leap and I proposed to my man.  The day started off as a normal Saturday and him and the kids and I got up to go shopping. We spent a day shopping and having good quality family time. One of the last stores we went to was Helzberg Diamonds. I love jewelry so I went in there to look at their sales. I looked at quite a few rings and I noticed that he was watching. The one I fell in love was a white sapphire ring and it was gorgeous! I love colored stones but this ring was unique. My daughter wanted to go to Books-A-Million so I went over there with her but my man stayed behind. Before I left him there, and being the nosy woman I am, I noticed THE ring was gone from the case. He shooed me away and I went to the book store with my daughter. Now lets rewind... Him and I had a pretty emotional conversation about two weeks before and he admitted that there was a point that he wanted to ask me to marry him but that he was afraid (and for goo...

Single During the Holidays- What to Do!

Every one has had a holiday where they are single. I know I have plenty of times. So what do you do when you want to go to holiday parties, travel or do holiday activities and you are single? A friend of mine on my Facebook blog page was asking the same question. Some of the men on the thread suggested themselves for company. A few other women responded they were asking themselves the same thing. I suggested doing activities with your friend girls or your lover. So what is the answer to being single during the holidays? Here are some suggestions: * Do what YOU enjoy! If you have been wanting to go visit your friend in another state or see your cousin you haven't seen in awhile or want to catch the latest movies out in the theatre or go on a shopping spree and spend all the money on yourself. Do something that YOU enjoy doing. What better time to do then the holidays when you are off for a couple of days? * Do not be negative. Instead of thinking about the mate you don...

Yes! Women Can Propose- I Did!

My last blog post listed reasons why people felt that women should NOT propose and I gave my reasons to why I think its absolutely ludicrous! As a woman who has been ready to settle down for several years, I do not feel that its wrong for a woman to propose. Some do and that's their right. However, me being me- all about women's equality, rights and taking my life into my own hands I feel that it is quite okay if I want to propose to the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.  The decision to propose (male or female) is not about anyone else but YOU and YOUR mate. You have to know what type of partner you have and whether your relationship will suffer (mainly his ego crushed) if you, ladies, proposed to him. We don't ever want to do anything to offend, hurt, or emasculate the man we want to spend our lives with, so if you have a man that you know 1000% would be completely offended by your proposal you probably should wait for him to propose to you OR p...

Yes Women Can Propose to Men or Can They

So when the subject of women proposing comes up the conversation gets pretty heated and emotional. What is the big deal about women proposing to men? Well for most, its not the traditional way. Ever since the beginning of time, the expectation was that the man would court the woman and the woman would wait for the man to pursue her and blah blah blah. Those times are gone! Women are more aggressive these days and not afraid to express interest in a man.  Yes, traditionally the man proposed to the woman, but that was tradition. Tradition is always in the past. This is 2016 going on 2017. Some things in the past are no longer seen as the norm and for women, choosing a mate and who she marries is her choice. Not her parents. Not the church. Hers. Women are no longer asking for their parents opinion on who to marry. They meet a guy. They date said guy. They commit to said guy. They fall in love and when they get engaged, they tell their parents.  People also like to throw u...

Yes! Women Can Propose to a Man- Part 1

So I've had the discussion online, namely Facebook, about women proposing to men. The conversation got pretty heated and it was very frustrating for me to see so many men who felt like a man on the receiving end of a proposal as "weak" or "less of a man" if he accepted. It also pissed me off to see women, otherwise very strong women, saying that a woman must be "desperate" or "weak" or "pressed" to ask a man to marry her. Our daughters are being raised to be strong-minded, independent, goal and career-oriented Queens. We teach them to respect themselves, wait for the right boy/man to give their goodies to and to follow her dreams. If we can teach her all these things, how can we frown on her also choosing her husband and lifelong partner. I have been proposed to probably nine times that I can think of off the top of my head. I have also been married before to a man that proposed to me almost every month before I finally said yes a...

What a Difference a Year Makes- Happy Thanksgiving!

This time last year I spent the holidays with friends even though I was in an exclusive relationship. The person I was dating didn’t bother to invite me to his family’s house for the holidays. It was a miserable feeling.  Even though I am not big on holidays, this time of the year can be melancholy for lot of people who are in bad relationships, broken homes, live far from family or are single.  I understand the feeling. I felt the disappointment of not being with the one I felt I should have been with. Thankfully for great friends, I got plates delivered to me while I had a nice romantic-me day at home with movies, bottles of wine and lots of much needed rest. Trust me, it wasn’t a depressing day after I realized that being with myself was better than being with someone who really didn’t want me around despite his professed love. Well this year is different. This year I have been dating a very family-proud, inclusive young man (yes I’m a cougar now…more on that lat...

Cater to Your Man- part 2

My last blog was part 1 of 2 on Cater to Your Man . The first 3 suggestions were to: 1.  Keep his belly full. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This is true for all men, regardless of race or age.  Know what he likes and doesn't like and please ladies, fix his plate for him. 2.  Be his biggest cheerleader. Be supportive of him in all he does. Their are going to be times we don't agree with his decisions and that's okay but we should still be supportive of him (as long as its not harmful to your relationship or you) and cheer him on when he is doing great things! 3.  Be there when he needs you. Women tend to be more emotional than men, so when he comes to you in his time of need be accessible and there for him without being judgmental or critical. Let him vent and know that you are his safe haven. These are the suggestions from my last blog. To continue, we can cater to our man by: 4.  Keep yourself up. Destiny's child said this in their song...

Cater to Him- Part 1 of 2

I would not write about anything that I don't do myself, so one thing that I have found important to me is catering to my man. Our men are dealing with the stresses of life, providing for his home successfully, and is a respected contributor to his community. When he comes home, he should come home to a woman who appreciates his achievements, loves him for who he is, supports him in all his efforts, and is there to take care of his needs. Now don't get me wrong, I am sure that some of you immediately thought "taking care of his needs" meant sexually, and that is involved BUT taking care of his needs is about CATERING TO HIM and showing him that he is the man of the house and that you are have his back. Its also about showing your adoration for him in many ways. 3 ways you can cater to your man are: * Keeping his belly full.  The saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" will never get old. Making sure he is fed and fixing things yo...

Its National Feel the Love Day!

Today is National Feel the Love Day! Now some of you might be wondering where this "day" came from, and quite frankly, I asked myself the same question for a quick second when I heard it this morning on Streetz 103.3 . But that question instantly turned into a smile because my romantic mind started fluttering and instantly I started blushing. That is what the opportunity to be ROMANTIC does for me. Like Valentine's, I love the concept of a day to dedicate to the person you love and cherish. However, in my heart of hearts everyday should be Valentine's Day and every moment should be about feeling the love! Its so important that we let the people in our lives know how much we love them. This is not just true for our spouse or mate but also for our kids, parents, friends and family. I know that in this moment I am thinking about my father who passed away May 2, 2014. I remember how many times I told him I loved him up until his last breath. Feeling the love is ...

Its That Time Again- September is Take Your Man on a Date Month

Last year was the first time I heard about this special romantic holiday and I took full advantage of it by taking out the guy that I was dating at the time. We had a great time and even though it was not the first time I had treated him out to dinner, he still appreciated it just as much. Men have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders- taking care of home, being father to our children, trying to make us happy everyday, and rising above the adversities of a pretty messed up social and political climate right now. Men deserve to be treated out and given special attention for all their efforts, hard work and commitment. One thing all men need is to feel needed so feeling needed and then being shown appreciation for all they do and all they are to us, is an even bigger thing for them! As women we have so many opportunities to be spoiled. Men deserve these opportunities too. Their is the expectation that men are supposed to pursue us, ROMANCE us, court us, and be the provid...

Pay Attention to Body Language

Yesterday's blog was on kissing on the first date. To further the discussion on dating, we have to consider- BODY LANGUAGE.  When dating someone its really important to not just listen to them when they are talking, be attentive to their mannerisms and take every opportunity to get to know them, but it is also important especially in the early stages of dating to pay attention to the person's body language. A persons body language can answer questions you might be thinking without actually asking such as are they attracted to you? Are they interested in what you have to say? Are they sincerely interested in learning about you? Are they bored? Are they enjoying themselves? and guess what, Will they mind if you kiss or hug them? If a person remains close to you, touches you lightly, smiles a lot, gives you eye contact, focuses on your lips when you talk to them and lets you touch the small of their back when you are walking, then this is a pretty great date that could defi...

First Date- Kiss or Not?

You meet someone, you decide to go out on a date and it goes well. You have a good conversation. Dinner is awesome! You even share dessert. One party is expressing a more interest than the other. The man walks the lady to her car, like a true gentleman  , and they hug. Now here is the part where it can get awkward. I am all about showing public displays of affection, showing your gratitude after a date and letting a person know that you are interested in seeing them again. That in my mind, is a successful first date and dates ideally. However, is it okay to kiss on the first date? As the true romantic I am, I think that if the vibe is there and you are setting up a second date and really had natural chemistry then a kiss is okay. But, if you are not sure about a second date, the date was more awkward then enjoyable and you are not quite sure if their is any chemistry than you should hold on the kiss. I believe in being polite on a first date and when dating someone because ...

State of Affairs- Call to Love Thy Neighbors

I haven't written in a while but felt the need to write today. I was on Facebook today and saw a number of posts about the latest police killings. One was of a young man shot several times by a police officer while in the car with his girlfriend and her child. According to the girlfriend the boyfriend, Philando Castille, told the officer that he had a pistol in his pocket and had a license to carry. The police didn't give him a chance to get his license and shot and killed him. The video can be seen here on Facebook, and here on YouTube .   Then another man, Alton Sterling, was killed selling CDs outside a Baton Rouge convenience store by two police officers and it was caught on tape. Mr. Sterling did not have a gun in his hand and was shot at close range. To see the video, go view it on YouTube here, .  ...

School is Almost Out!

The kids are about to get out for the summer and many are going to summer camp or off to inlaws and family. However, the big question is what are You going to do with your summer while the children are having fun and out of school?  For me, the summer is a big deal because the twins go with their dad for the entire summer. I am a single mom so two and a half months of being kid free is like a kid in a toy factory with so much to choose from. Last year I didn't do much but this year I would love to do a few things! There is also a big difference between last year and this year- I am not single! If you are single, then that's okay. This might be the summer that you get your groove back on an exotic vacation planned for you and your girls (or your boys) but their is nothing wrong with having a fantastic vacation as a single woman or man. We all deserve a vacation especially during the summer months like all the other normal people! So if you don't already have a plan fo...