Have a Romantic Christmas Countdown!

Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a great start to your Christmas holiday. Even though I am not a big holiday person, I do know that the holidays are a great opportunity to be extra romantic. If you haven't already planned something romantic and sweet for your special someone, its not too late. Christmas is a time for family, friends, giving, and love! You can't have a complete Christmas without sharing it with the person you profess your love to. If you can't spend the actual holiday together, at least plan SOMEthing that you two can enjoy together. Some suggestions: * Plan breakfast in bed the morning of or the morning before. * Exchange a small gift between the two of you in private. * Plan a romantic dinner for just the two of you the night before or the night after. * Go shopping with each other and make it a date while you're at it. * Send Christmas cards to each other in the mail! * Go for a drive to see the Christmas lights. * Watch old ...