Cater to Your Man- part 2

My last blog was part 1 of 2 on Cater to Your Man . The first 3 suggestions were to: 1. Keep his belly full. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This is true for all men, regardless of race or age. Know what he likes and doesn't like and please ladies, fix his plate for him. 2. Be his biggest cheerleader. Be supportive of him in all he does. Their are going to be times we don't agree with his decisions and that's okay but we should still be supportive of him (as long as its not harmful to your relationship or you) and cheer him on when he is doing great things! 3. Be there when he needs you. Women tend to be more emotional than men, so when he comes to you in his time of need be accessible and there for him without being judgmental or critical. Let him vent and know that you are his safe haven. These are the suggestions from my last blog. To continue, we can cater to our man by: 4. Keep yourself up. Destiny's child said this in their song...