10 Ways to Be Intimate

Someone asked me how can they can be intimate without being sexual. Below I have suggested 10 ways to be intimate (and maybe sexual too). 1. Be affectionate. Sometimes being affectionate is what you need. Touch is something that everyone needs whether its hugging, holding hands, kissing or rubbing. Touch is a way to express your appreciation, admiration and attraction to the person you love. Even in the middle of an argument or a bad day, a close hug for 30 seconds can make the situation better. Try it. It works! 2. Express yourself openly. Sometimes we hold back when we are talking to people but when it comes to communicating with our partner we should be able to talk about everything, no matter how big or small it is. Trusting your partner with detailed information about our past and our dreams and desires is important. By doing so, we open the door for our partners to reciprocate and trust us with their details too. 3. Tell someone why you love and appreciate them. Sometime...