Date Night- Make it a Priority

With working parents, busy professionals and hectic lives comes less and less time for Self and ROMANCE. It is important that couples find time for each other, without the kids, to spend quality time together, enjoy each others company, renew the ROMANCE in their relationship and have time for intimacy. You can't pay the bills and maintain a household without making money, yes, but when the money is made, the bills are paid and the home is secure, their is still your relationship to make work, enforce and invest in. Make time for DATE NIGHT! Date night is important to all couples- new or old. Dating is not just for singles. Date night is for couples (committed or not) to have time together to explore each others interest, get to know each other, have downtown from the kids together, try new things together, and renew your bond- mentally, emotionally, physically, and yes spiritually! In a survey done by Redbook, 45% of couples rarely have date nights. 18% said they go on date...