September is Take Your Man on a Date Month!

Hello ladies! September has been designated for TAKING your man on a date month! I love this month because it gives the ladies the chance to show their romantic side, what they like to do on dates from a woman's perspective and give the guys pointers just in case they are clueless the other months. So whether you have one special guy or you are dating a couple guys, here are some pointers: 1. Ask him formally on a date. 2. Plan the date yourself based on things he likes to do, places he likes to go and ideas you've heard him talk about. 3. Do not make it a group event. Tho I am sure your man likes to watch the game with the boys, inviting yourself to watch it with them as your "date" is not acceptable. 4. Do things on the date that you would like him to do for you. I always think its fun to reverse the roles during the time, by opening the door for him and ordering his favorite meal off the menu. Guys get a kick out of being spoiled especially when ...