I'm Back to Commit to Romance
In early March my mother and I got a phone call that my sister was being flown to the hospital. She had an aneurysm and her family needed to come immediately. We jumped up and drove nine hours to Fairfax, VA from Charlotte, NC to be there by her side. She almost died. After losing my father May 3, 2014 and in late March finding out my mom had early stage breast cancer was enough to re-focus my attention on family. Through those months I received several messages via Facebook and through email that people were missing this blog and wanted to make sure I was okay. I love writing and especially about Romance but it was great knowing that people were actually reading my blog, taking the advice, renewing romance in their lives and wanted to hear more! So here I am, mom has finished her 6 week radiation treatments and in remission; my sister is alive and doing better and we are closer as a family. Now I can get back to what I love doing- writing and keeping Romance alive. Ask yourself th...