
Showing posts from February, 2015

Keys to Romance- Caring is Sharing!

So Valentine's Day has past and hopefully you are still in a romantic mood. Our last Key to Romance as mentioned here is finding out how much you truly care for your special someone. Your special someone is obviously important to you or they wouldn't be special to you, so this is not about how much you care for them but how much you care about their views on romance, showing them love, and treating them to something special on an ongoing basis.  Some people are not big on romance and that's okay but everyone should be big on loving the one you're with and caring whether they know how much you DO CARE and how much you do feel for them. Your actions speak louder than words, as people say and being romantic is a perfect way to show through actions how much you care for your special someone and feel for them. You can do this is many ways, big and small, but the its the thought that counts that means...

Its Almost Valentine's! Are you Ready?

Valentine's is almost here and I am super excited? Are you? This is a special day to many of us, not because its the one day to show our love and appreciation for our special someone, but because its the one day that the world celebrates Love! I love the idea of everyone loving Love. Does that make sense? With everything going on in the world, its great to have one day that people are focused on loving each other. Just like when a tragedy happens like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the two officers being killed in New York for no reason in their police car,  everyone after those tragic events becomes really nice to each other for just a little while. Is it right? No but I'm sure you will agree with me that after tragedies people get a bit nicer and love harder. Days like Valentine's is a reminder to the world that Love still exists. Love still can make the world a happier place and we all deserve to be loved. We should feel like this all year round but unfortunately some ...

6 Days Until Valentine's Day- Where are You Going?

Valentine's Day is coming and I hope that you have chosen your special someone to spend this special day with. Now the question is, what to do? When considering a place to go, think about your Valentine. What are some things they like to do? Where are some places they have mentioned that they would like to visit that they haven't yet? Where have they expressed to you that they would like to go with you? What are some things they said they would like to try one day but haven't had the time or money to? What are some new things you might enjoy doing together? Always keep in mind your Valentine's likes, desires, special requests and hints of things they would like to do, see or visit. You can also consider referrals from friends, family and colleagues or people that share your same interest. Where have they visited and recommended to you? Maybe consider double dating with another couple you enjoy hanging out with? Or maybe you can check your local paper and find ...

8 Days to St. Valentine's Day- What Does it Mean to You?

Valentine's Day is coming and this is my absolute favorite holiday and one of two that I personally celebrate! Their are many versions of how Valentine's came about but I will share the one that, to me, is very romantic. According to the website,, St. Valentine who was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome.  The Roman empire was faced with crisis or attack from all over so more capable men were required to defend the Roman empire. Emperor Claudius II banned or prohibited marriage because he felt that "married men were emotionally attached to their families" so they would not make good soldiers. St. Valentine did not agree with Claudius' ban on marriage and began secretly marrying lovers in secret. When found out, Claudis had St. Valentine arrested and while awaiting sentence in prison he fell in love with the jailors daughter. Before his death, St. Valentine asked for a pen and paper and signed a farewell message to the daughter, ...