Keys to Romance- Caring is Sharing!

So Valentine's Day has past and hopefully you are still in a romantic mood. Our last Key to Romance as mentioned here is finding out how much you truly care for your special someone. Your special someone is obviously important to you or they wouldn't be special to you, so this is not about how much you care for them but how much you care about their views on romance, showing them love, and treating them to something special on an ongoing basis. Some people are not big on romance and that's okay but everyone should be big on loving the one you're with and caring whether they know how much you DO CARE and how much you do feel for them. Your actions speak louder than words, as people say and being romantic is a perfect way to show through actions how much you care for your special someone and feel for them. You can do this is many ways, big and small, but the its the thought that counts that means...